Inspire Positivity

  • DIYs for Positive Frame of Mind

    A few days ago, I saw a post in Times of India under their regular feature, ‘The Speaking Tree ‘, giving advice to consider life as a divine dream as a recipe to live happily. This article was inspired by revered spiritual master Yoganand Paramhansa by one of his followers. He started with tale of…

  • Looking Beyond the Obvious

    Yesterday, my son and my first-grader grandson were on a routine call with me. I usually pass on the manuscripts of the books that I write for children to him for his review. The little editor usually sees through the manuscript critically and provides his honest feedback. But today was a different day! He was…

  • Celebrating Spirituality

    As I started my day today early morning, switching on my computer and started the chanting of ‘Om Namah Shivaya’, the Microsoft’s Chatbot Capilot with GPT4 responded by generating the meanings of the Mantra as follows: “The phrase “Om Namah Shivaya” translates to “I bow to Lord Shiva.” Each syllable in the mantra holds significance:…

About the author

Vijay Kumar Dhingra, a retired water Resources Engineer shares his fervent passion for driving positive changes in the society through these tales crafted for young people.